Bushtracker is Home!

We cut short our trip home as Riki has to go to the vet tomorrow for a sore gum and teeth cleaning. The rain headed towards Carnarvon shown in the picture waited until we had packed up and left. We were in luck again on our last night at Dalby with the rain holding off until I had the awning set up to keep big dog dry. There was fog on the range as we approached Toowoomba, but our drive home was otherwise uneventful. We did some unpacking and washing, but there is plenty still to do, particularly cleaning the Jeep and the Bushtracker. Bathing the dogs was a must before they were allowed in the house. There are no planned caravanning trips till September, after we return from our overseas jaunt starting 8 August when blogging will resume. Till then, farewell to our regular readers.