Animal Antics

Coco was off his food and lethargic after his dew claw injury. I put him in a crate after his dinner last night and discovered he is back to his old self - this was a perfectly good dog bed!

Max despises her liquid trazadone medication for her anxiety, and getting it down her was starting to be worse than her symptoms. I took on the challenge and bought some little frankfurts - I have to cut off the ends, remove a section of meat, squirt in some of the despicable chicken-flavoured medicine and plug it up. Voila! Toss her a couple of bits without any yukky flavour, then and she happily wolfs down the contaminated pieces.

As for the cats, Miki managed to get herself shut in a cupboard in the caravan for several hours; fortunately no harm done. Riki is exercising her top cat status by sitting on my neck while I am sleeping to make sure she is "higher" than Miki. 


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