New South Wales ARC Tour

On Saturday Beccy and her crew cooked breakast for more than 130 Roadies. We farewelled those on the SA tour not doing the back to back NSW tour, and formed a new group. On Saturday evening there was a welcoming get together and a free concert at the Musicians Club where our other travelling entertainers all performed - Bec Hance and Pete Wilson, Dan Murphy (not the one behind a chain of grog shops!), Alison Forbes and Roadie Ron on his harmonicas.

Today we hit the road again and headed for Wilcannia. It isonly 200kms from Broken Hill so we stopped in town for coffee near the information centre. Have you ever wondered what happens to old mining eqipment? Well worry no more as I can tell you it is put on display for tourists!

We are staying at the same caravan park at Wilcannia that we have visited before - where there is a "pet" emu and heaps of roos. Before setting up camp I borrowed a rake to clear our site of roo poo!

Beccy and crew cooked dinner for us all tonight. The original plan was the caravan park was to provide us all with a 2 course meal. Two days ago they contacted Beccy to say they couldn't get the staff to cook the meals and offered to provide the ingredients to be cooked by Beccy and co - without any reduction in the agreed price! That was an offer too unreasonable to accept, so Beccy and Libby shopped till they dropped in Broken Hill then prepared salads etc and cooked steaks and sausages for us all. We pitched in to do the dishes.


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