Broken Hill

The final destination for the South Australia Aussie Road Crew tour for 2018 was Broken Hill. We stayed 3 nights at the Lakeview Caravan Park - there is no lake and no view! The first night it was just the SA group, but on Friday we were joined by more than 70 Roadies for the NSW tour.

That night there was a fabulous concert at the Musicians Club in Broken Hill where we made up nearly half the audience. Shane Nicholson flew in from NSW - he is a great singer/songwriter and guitar player, and also producer for many of the top artists.

Beccy Cole was the headline act and she was in top form - she is a very funny entertainer as well as being a great singer and songwriter.

I caught up with my sister Marian and nephews Jon and Stevie who live in Broken Hill, and briefly with Stevie's wife Sarah who was working just near the cafe. I took Coco with me when I went to Marian's place. We kept him around the front to avoid any fracas with Marian's dog Ugee - the minute we went inside he made himself comfortable on the bench. He can't jump up into the Jeep but could get himself up there!


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