Colder Day

Even though the sun was shining much of the day, it was colder than we had anticipated. Instead of driving back to the caravan for warmer clothes, I bought a jumper from one of the stalls in the festival arena. 

Last night I went back to Port Fairy leaving Anita resting in the Bushtracker with the critters. I saw the Chris While and Julie Matthews show - these Brits who were being pestered by insects attracted to all the lights. One time they were to perform in Italy but when Julie first opened her mouth to sing, a wasp flew into her mouth and stung her. They both have lovely voices and write powerful songs. One song was about the 200 fire fighters who died at the World Trade Center, and the 200 who subsequently died as a result of the fumes and trauma they experienced. There was a proposal to cut their entitlement to compensation at the 10 year mark, but Obama put money into a special fund.

After the show I caught up with some friends and we were all leaving the Arena when I heard the Hillbilly Goats start playing - I went back to listen to their show and the place was jumping!


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