Prairie Hotel

We drove back down the rough road 19 kms to the Prairie Hotel on the Outback Highway at Paranchilna for dinner and a concert. Non Roadies could buy tickets to attend the concert and there were about an additional 50 people in the audience.

One of our friends from the NSW tour came up for the concert so we caught up with her over dinner which was very good. We decided to spend the night at the hotel rather than drive back in the dark - there are heaps of emus and kangaroos and we didn't want to add to the road kill toll. A couple of Roadies have collected emus and we had a near miss. I am driving slower than most of the others so we were able to avoid the young emu that jumped across the road in front of us. 

The hotel is miles from any towns. It has an historical section complete with fridges that have the old wooden doors. The new part of the hotel is built from mud bricks and lots of corrugated iron. The rooms are partly underground to deal with the heat. The early morning view across the Flinders Ranges was pretty special.

The concert was held in a marquee beside the hotel. Beccy, Libby and Kelly put on their stage outfits and all 3 put on a great performance. Beccy is so funny and fits the jokes in with her songs.


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