Last Stop Ballina

We left our van at Dashville for two days while we drove to Sydney for our friend's 60th birthday lunch. It just so happened that another friend was in Sydney and we were able to catch up for dinner. Last night we stopped in Kempsey at a small caravan park that had a drive through site available so we didn't have to unhitch. Today we stopped in at Yamba for lunch at Beachwood our favourite local restaurant. Tonight our last stop is Ballina. Again we managed to get a site where we didn't have to unhitch. We will catch up with some friends in Ballina for breakfast tomorrow before driving home. Our next adventure in the Bushtracker starts on 5 October. We will join the South Australian Aussie Road Crew tour with Beccy and Libby on 18 October. Farewell till then 🎶 🎸